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Sean Michaels, Matt Rivers, Gus Augustine,

Jeff Granger, Steve Budin

- and all Hockey Handicappers - 

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Insider Money Moves' Rating System


Keep. It. Simple. Stupid.

This is no disrespect to any of the handicappers at this site, but we're not about to start giving out 10-Dime incremented ratings when the groups send out orders on these plays, and we reveal what they're looking for in terms of the sharp numbers. 

We don't want to bog you down with large scales of ratings and have you breaking out multiplication tables to figure out what you're playing on these games, so we're going to keep things simple.

It's not rocket science. It's about using money management and getting the best value on the most underrated numbers the wiseguys creating the market are playing themselves.

Four levels of urgency with these investments, indicated by 25, 50, 75 or 100 Dimes.

It's the equivalent of saying 1, 2, 3 or 4 stars - with four being the highest.

Your max play on a game will be a 100 Dime release.

So if we're placing a 50-Dime rating on one of the orders that's been sent out by a syndicate, and your max wager on a game is $1,000, your wager will be $500.

Be smart. Don't overcompensate. And stay disciplined.

What are Insider Money Moves?

Thank God for a few of the holdover dinosaur bookmakers in Las Vegas, the good ol' boys who remember when the wiseguys created the market and generated the buzz on games. They understood - and respected - the beards who would run money for the Computer Group, the Poker Boys, and the famed Walters clan.

Across town, from Little Caesars to the Horseshoe, from Castaways to the Stardust, there was a collaborative effort in sports betting that allowed the sharps to do what they did, because those who tried to keep up brought hundreds of thousands of dollars with an attempt to chase the hot number.

They were the Insider Money Moves.

To an extent, on a low-key level, they're still there.

The widespread sports-betting epidemic that has engulfed society has watered down the old-school ways of how wiseguys got their action. Public money comes in droves nowadays because so many states allow sports betting. But make no doubt about it, the wiseguys are still there. The sharps are making their money.

The information given to the select groups comes from a variety of sources, including specific beat writers from every professional sports city, business owners from those cities who know where the athletes go and hear the buzz about the star who is having trouble at home, or the bookmakers around the nation sharing information about the sharp action and numbers to avoid.

That's where we come in.

They won't admit it publicly, but bookmakers embrace the sharps, knowing the amount of money that will follow when they tell the gaming media how much money is being bet on certain games, specifically on certain teams. But those reports come out once, twice a week. We get it daily.

Direct from Las Vegas, with several other interested parties scattered throughout the East Coast - in New York, New Jersey, and Philadelphia - we've formed the biggest conglomerate of media members, bookmakers, and sharp bettors for the No. 1 Handicapping Resource in the World.

We're going to provide the information. Now it's up to you to continue to pound the sharp number to help generate the same buzz once seen along the bank of pay phones outside the old Stardust sports book, where messenger bettors would pass along the same info.

The books need it to happen for action.

We want it to happen for our players.

You can make it happen for your bankroll.

Welcome to the Insider Money Moves.